fold-and-glue (fohld-uhnd-gloo) verb
. . . automatic folding and gluing are achieved in one pass on our high speed equipment. Proper use of templates in the early planning stages ensures the correct placement of glue tabs and can save hundreds of dollars in hand assembly costs. Note that coatings and inks should be knocked out of areas requiring glue. Many adhesives are available to provide maximum adherence of glue to paper.
In most cases peel and stick tape with a removable liner can easily be added in-line, as well as fugitive glue that allows for ease in mailing.
Many inserts can be placed in pockets in-line, saving many man hours of hand insertion.
KNOCK OUT all areas where glue is to be applied (ink, varnish or coatings).
GRAIN direction sometimes affects the folding of a project.
GLUE TAB placement is determined by the construction of your project. Request a template before design begins. (CAUTION: Improper glue tab placement could require hand assembly.)
MARKED PRESS SHEETS, CONSTRUCTED BLUELINES, or PREVIOUS SAMPLES showing desired construction should accompany order.
TEMPLATES prepared by our pre-production department will help you design and position packaging products with appropriate bleeds, tab positions and knockouts.
Minimum Sheet Size: 5×6
Maximum Sheet Size: 30×28
Glue Tab Width: 3/4″
Maximum Rigid Box Capacity: 1″
Paper Weight: 6 pt. to 24 pt. Caliper Board