stamp-ing (stamp-ing) verb
. . . a heat and pressure process that transfers either an opaque or clear foil to the surface of the paper. This is achieved by mounting a metal die on a platen and heating it. Foil is then placed between the die and the material to be imprinted. When the die presses against the foil, the heat releases the coloring layer from the foil roll and binds it to the paper. Foil stamping is also known as flat stamping, hot stamping or leafing. There are many colors of foil available, however it may be difficult to match foil to PMS colors. When requesting quotes for foil stamping, please designate the number of design elements to be stamped and the number of square inches of each area.
COLORED FOILS: When selecting foil colors other than silver or gold, check that the color is available with the correct release for the paper and coverage needed.
PIGMENT FOILS: Many pigment and pearl foils are translucent. Colored paper can change their appearance. Check the foil opacity before stamping.
E-MAIL or FAX preliminary artwork to us at the initial design phase for suggestions. We can anticipate small changes that will help satisfy your customer.
COPPER DIES should be used for jobs requiring fine detail, quantities in excess of 1,000, or stamping on heavily textured paper with high likelihood of repeat.
LARGE, SOLID AREAS of foil should be avoided. Foil will not properly adhere to heavily inked or coated sheets.
FONT SIZES LESS THAN 10 PT. should be avoided. Also avoid tight kerning or condensed type.
FOIL REVERSES should be used sparingly. Check with us for suitablity.
INKS must be wax or silicone free for over-stamping.
LAMINATED or UV COATED sheets should have a dyne count higher than 40. Plastic coatings and varnishes can prevent accurate foil transfer, causing blisters.
GRIPPER and SIDE GUIDES should be marked clearly on stack. No post-press cutting should be done without first consulting our pre-production department.
MARKED PRESS SHEETS, CONSTRUCTED BLUELINES, or PREVIOUS SAMPLES showing desired graphic effect should accompany order.
PAPER: Suitability to foil stamping is more important than the cost of the paper. Smooth papers are best for reflecting the qualities of the foil. Textured paper may require additional pressure or high temperatures, resulting in slight discolorations. Fine detail may not always show in deeply textured areas.
Gripper: 5/8″
Minimum Sheet Size: 6×7
Maximum Sheet Size: 37×49
Paper Weight: 100# text weight to 20 pt. Caliper board